Sunday, March 29, 2009

One Rough Week!!!

Sick kids everywhere, our house has turned into an infirmary.  I told Mike that he need not go to work to have patients, there are five here who need care.  
Caleb hasn't caught it, thankfully.  Audrey has been sick with a fever, stuffy nose and fussiness.  I took her to the doctor after four days with a fever.  They ran a battery of tests and everything came back negative and she is much better today.  Why is it that they always get better after you FINALLY break down and take them in?  You don't want to take them in because they aren't quite sick enough, then you decide to take them in and they are better the next day and you think "Man, I just put her through all of that poking and prodding for nothing, I should have waited one more day."  Such is the life of a Mom, right?
Liam started with the fever Wednesday, then the pukies started Thursday.  He hasn't been able to keep anything down for five days now, so we started to worry.  But like everyone else, he has a cough, too.  So I was wondering if he was puking because of the coughing.  I called the ped. on call yesterday, she said to bring him in today.  Well, this morning he got up perky, asking for toast.  I thought he had finally turned a corner.  But an hour later the pukies started again.  Another call to the doctor, she said bring him in, so a plan was put in place for that to happen.  R.E. came to watch the four older kids and B.H. came and got the baby.....thank goodness she takes a bottle!!!  I certainly didn't want to have both of the little ones at the E.R.  I have done that before and it is so hard.  So thank you everyone, for your kindness in keeping the kids today!  May the Lord bless you!
Liam did pretty good at the hospital.  He was much better after the I.V. I kept him entertained with the camera (it was in my bag) by taking videos 
of him, then letting him watch them.  I came prepared with plenty of tricks in my bag, I know that the E.R. is usually a bunch of "hurry up and wait."  So we played cars, listened to the iPod, read stories and played with the camera.  Oh, and made glove balloons, of course.  We stayed at the E.R. for about five hours.  He was discharged after all of the blood work came back negative and he had been pumped with lots of fluids.  Once again, we're hoping and praying for a better tomorrow.

Please keep us in your prayers.  Thanks.

1 comment:

kath001 said...

Poor mama and babies! I pray for everyone's germ-fighting systems to kick in.
