Thursday, January 17, 2008

Happenings In a Nutshell

I just finished reading "To Kill a Mockingbird".....Loved it.
I don't want skiing to consume our life.
Mike is back in school.
I love my new calling.
Liam is a crazed climbing fool....scaling bookshelves and everything.
I signed the kids up for and they really like it. So do I.
The dog is getting better about biting.
Scripture study is going better than ever. We were challenged by our stake president to read the Book of Mormon by stake conference (which is in April). We have been reading along with a CD and everyone really pays attention. Even Lauren tries to follow along.
The Hurleys will find out tomorrow if the tumor is shrunk down to one lobe (after yet another round of chemo) so they can remove that part of her lung. If not, they (B&M) are stopping treatment.
I will start my exercising again next week. The race (with Mike) is on.
I lost my favorite gloves.
Mike graduates May 9th, I am counting down the days.
Lauren is reading simple words like cat, am, sit, it, at, sam and sat. She's moving right along, that girl. The foundation is there, now she just needs to practice.
Everyone is healthy in the house....what a blessing!
Caleb wants to take orchestra at the local PS....still praying about that one.
We still have the bird, and she is still free for the taking. Mike says we should let her and Abby out of thier cages at the same time. Hmmmmm(??)
I love my children.
Chemistry has been the fascination of the week. We have had these great kids chemistry books for a while, they have finally been "discovered."
Lundi has been learning about Pandora and other women of ancient history.
Liam has really turned a corner in his development. He is talking more and more every day....along with asserting his will. (Where is my baby? Oh ya...... they grow up.)

I'll add more to this list later.
Slumber awaits me and the dog needs to go out.



Stephanie said...

It's nice to hear about what you're up to.

Anonymous said...

Hey! I returned your gloves...Washed and dried completely by accident but They are clean and back in your possession my friend.

Kim said...


I wrote this before I knew that I left them at your house. Thanks for giving them back, now I have two pair!!