Sunday, January 31, 2010

A Bunch of Book Worms

A Mommy loves it when she gives her kids a list of ten things to do to pass the time while their Papa goes to a job interview, and the answer is unanimously "the library!!!"

She also loves it when a big brother reads to the littlest sister.

And when the oldest boy goes to the computer, looks up a book and finds it himself, sans the aid of the librarian.

And when the littlest brother spends a whole hour discovering, building and roaming around without running out into the parking lot (or in this case, the street).

And she likes it when this clever girl devours mysteries as if they were candy for her inquisitive little brain.

And when this cute little buttercup has lots of places to pull-up and cruise.

(This Mommy has also given up on trying to keep these little feet shod. She hates shoes and socks).


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