Thursday, July 12, 2007

My Fabulous Five

I will start with Caleb. Why is he fabulous? Well......because he has a photographic memory and remembers specific details that escape most people. He can also build amazing things with Legos. He pays close attention to details. He is conscious of the younger kids' safety. His love for reading has taken him all the way up to an 8th grade reading level. He loves the Lord and wants to do what is right. It is a beautiful thing to watch his testimony grow. He loves The Book of Mormon. Caleb is unique in many ways, he always "thinks outside the box."
Lately he has caught the Harry Potter bug again and finished book two in two days. He will start the third book tomorrow. We told him that he can watch the movies as long as he reads the books first.
Caleb is loyal, intelligent, kind, brave, honest, inquisitive. He is a friend to everyone he meets. His talents and spiritual gifts will take him far in life and we are here to cheer him on!
We love him dearly.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ummmmmm...Where is the lovely admirations for your other four? I caught myself smiling reading about Caleb. I so so appreciae a mother's love for her children more specifically yours for Caleb.