Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Cars in the Toilet

Did I mention that we have a toddler in the house? Did I mention that this toddler can sometimes be a menace? Today Harrison went potty but forgot to flush and close the bathroom door after making a big brown deposit in the toilet. Well, Liam considers the toilet a great place to play. You's at the just the right level, it has water in it, it is often vacant, nobody will take it away from him. PERFECT for a baby who loves water. And today, he wanted to add a new dimension to his favorite thing to do....he added cars!! And the poop, well that was just an added bonus. So Mike found him in there zooming the cars, splashing in the water and just having a grand ole time. Needless to say, he went straight into the tub for a good scrub. Oh....and we flushed the toilet, too.
We went to the Maine State Museum in Augusta today. It was Bug Maine-ia. The kids got to hold and learn all about many bugs native to Maine, as well as a giant walking stick (which they considered too sticky to hold) from Peru. They had touch tanks, many dead bugs on display, ant larvae under a microscope, woolly bears, worms, honey bees and lots more. What I liked best was the butterfly that had just come out of its cocoon. It was just so beautiful to watch it shed the cocoon and then so carefully and slowly dry it's wings. It reminded me of a new born baby for some reason. God has truly created some beautiful things and I thank him for this earth.
Tomorrow we will go back to the fair again to see all of the things (a black smith, glass blower, showing of the horses and other animals, the tractor pull, and the best part....the art on display) that are there that often have to live in the shadow of the midway. They get to do that part with Nana on Saturday.
I must retire now. We want to get an early start.

1 comment:

Lena said...

That sounds like such a good time! The fair, not the toilet... I am seriously considering a toilet that flushes when you get up because my kids CANNOT remember to flush! That or flush things down it. We must have huge pipes because when Robert was potty training he flushed two pairs of underwear down without a single clog...