Friday, August 24, 2007

Typing my thoughts....atleast a few of them.

Lundi has safely arrived at the House house and is having a marvelous time with her cousins. The flight was uneventful and on time, which is a big relief. I was really hoping they would make their connection and not have any delays.
I had to scare her into sticking with Juanita at the airport, as she is used to a "very long leash" and is unaware of the dangers of the world. I'm not sure if I explained it the best way, but she did get the point. I told her that there might be bad strangers that want to hurt her and she needed to be with Juanita so she would be safe. We've had the talk before, like when we go to Boston or an event where there are lots of people. I don't want to make them paranoid or take away their innocence. I don't want them to be afraid of the world. I don't want them to be suspicious of everyone they meet. But I have yet to find a way to keep track of five distractable (is that a word) kids with 10 eyes, 10 ears, 5 noses, and 10 feet, all pursuing their own spontaneous interests, without saying...."If you can't see me it means you are too far." When we are home, they have alot of freedom, they roam and roam and I never worry about them. The (only)downside to this is that they have no clue about the evil things that go on in the world. I still would not trade this place for anywhere else to live.
Liam is now a crazy walker. Just in the last few days he has figured out that walking is faster than crawling. He even gets back up and continues walking when he falls, instead of crawling. It's about time, he is 17 months, our latest walker so far. I remember now how much more trouble they can get into when they are up rite. I can't count how many things he has spilled something by reaching up to a bowl or cup left too close to the edge of the kitchen table. And every time it surprises him (with a gasp because it is cold and usually gets him right in the face) as if he didn't expect anything to come pouring out. Oh well, I have made it through 4 other toddler hoods, I guess I can make it through another.
We went Savannah's party last night. We went to celebrate her birthday, being in remission and being out of isolation. She is one strong kid and has over come alot in her little seven year old life. Cancer is.....well, i can't think of a bad enough word to describe me feelings. In the last three years it has threatened the lives of several people that i care about and love. I have been closer to it than I ever cared to be. I just hope and pray that I never get any closer, or that it never gets any closer to me. It is horrific. Chemo is like killing someone while trying to make them live. Cancer is a beast that is extremely difficult to sleigh. I am thankful to the Lord that Savannah is alive and thriving. If you care to, you can read her story on Carepages. The name of her page is princesssavannah (all one word).
The kids and the calendar are in need of attention. Mike and I have some planning to do. The kids have some playing to do. I think we'll send them outside.

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