Tuesday, May 12, 2009

The Week In Pictures

Par Harrison's birthday wish, we went to Nana and Grandpas house for 4-wheeler and tractor rides.
Ridin' High!!

The Dump!!!

When we had the sister missionaries for dinner, the kids had great fun picking gray hairs out of Sister Richins head.  She let them do it.  My kids are weird, they love to do this.  She was a great sport.

We found an abandoned morning dove egg on the rail of the deck.  We guessed it was an emergency delivery.  After the Mama didn't come back, we cracked it open.  The tiny size of the yolk surprised us.

We took the kids fishing. I stayed on the shore with four of the kids, while Mike waded out to the island with two of them. We only took two poles (plus Mike took his fly rod). Supervising two at a time with flying hooks was as much as one person could do safely.

At the Kid Stuff sale, Lundi was asked to man the $.50 table. Here she is waiting for business......


1 comment:

Stinson Family said...

You had a very busy week. Your children all are soo adorable. The tractor ride looks like a lot of fun!